Your Playset Doesn’t Define Your Mindset

19 April, 2020

Where is you mind right now that you’ve been self-isolating, observing social distancing, and working from home? Has it strayed into an area of restricted thinking, bound by your environment?

When I was a child, my brother and I would spend countless hours on the swing set in our backyard. It was a large iron set, with heavy chains, and seats that looked like mini drawbridges. Our legs went out-and-back, out-and-back; logging thousands of “steps” as we stayed in the limited zone of our playset.

My brother and I dreamed as we looked into the clouds and talked of great things to come in the future. We weren’t limited by the bounds of our environment. We were in a meditative state. We experienced free and clear thinking as we played out our fantasies in our heads.

Today, in our restricted environments, we need to find the methods and time to put ourselves in that mindset of free and clear thinking; allowing ourselves to fantasize about the future. Take a break from the daily chaos that surrounds you. Maybe meditate if you know how; or you can simply sit down, put your head back and close your eyes for 5 minutes. Slowly take deep breaths in-and-out; just like on the swingset. Develop a rhythm. Allow your mind to drift and relax. See where your thoughts take you. Fantasize about the future. Come out of your state of relaxation slowly, allowing your environment to become clearer as you enter back into reality. Your environment may now feel a little bit more expansive.

Start today going beyond your mental playset. Experience some tranquility and joy in your hectic life.

Stay Happy and Healthy!

1 thought on “Your Playset Doesn’t Define Your Mindset”

  1. Thank you AJ, you took me back to that old swing set and the freedom I felt while “swooping “ my legs back and forth 😊

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