The Good Hour

30 March, 2020

During this pandemic, you still need to find those activities that bring you joy. The time that we spend in isolation actually provides us with some benefits. The bonds within the family strengthen as we increase our activities with our children. Many of us are experiencing the simple joy of breathing in some fresh air as we take to the sidewalks and streets.

When I was in high school, I was a competitive distance runner. This was during the period when Nike was not a household name, jogging was just starting to gain popularity in America, and Dolphin shorts were just starting to adorn our bodies. A very good friend and running mate of mine used too call me up for a run in the evenings. He really enjoyed the concept of Daylight Savings Time. The extended daylight hours seemed to give everyone energy and a desire to be outside riding bikes, walking, jogging, or just hanging outside of their houses conversing and enjoying the beautiful weather. The time we chose to run was after work hours, usually around 6 PM. This is the time of day that my friend referred to as “The Good Hour”.

The Good Hour was rife with activity . The nighttime air was temperate and totally enjoyable . There were plenty of girls out on bikes enjoying this time of the day. My buddy and I enjoyed running past them and chatting them up as we passed them by. It seemed to make us lighter on our feet. We ran at a fast pace, we could never stop, we were in training. These days the enjoyment I get from this time of day has changed as I have aged.

During the current climate of social distancing, when we are permitted to exercise outdoors, the Good Hour now is filled with families seeking the solace from their four walls. I delight in seeing the families riding bikes, walking, fishing, and toting their kids around in wagons. This is a great sight to me, as it represents change from our obsession with video games, Facebook, and reading lengthy blogs like this one! I see the joy on the children’s faces as they zoom around a corner on their bikes, tracing their dad’s tire tracks. I see the dads looking back to make sure the family stays together. I see the moms bringing up the rear, making sure all are well, as moms often do. I see folks out on the streets exercising when they would normally be attending an exercise class or working out in their gym. It is wonderful to me to see them out in the open, enjoying their time outdoors as they exercise.

I can’t help but wonder if the Good Hour will continue once we rise out of this pandemic and return to a normal life (whatever that will look like). Will we continue to take to the sidewalks, enjoy the open air, and be motivated by seeing others outside doing their thing? I certainly hope so!

Stay Happy and Healthy!

3 thoughts on “The Good Hour”

  1. AJ -it’s great reading your blogs, I’m really enjoying them. It’s been a while since I’ve connected with you…about 30 years! That’s how long we have been gone from South FL. Keep up the blogs!

  2. Nice sentiment, my friend. You brought back some great memories for me, too. And some laughs (Dolphin shorts). I hope you two are healthy and happy!


  3. Rhonnie Robins Smith

    Great read AJ, this world is going through a cleansing of sorts. Those of us still standing will appreciate the changes like the ones you describe. Blessings

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