Sewing Machines to the Rescue

29 March, 2020

Currently, there is an extreme shortage of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in our country to protect our front-line health care providers and first responders. Masks are the number one most important item that the medical community needs. With a world-wide shortage, how can we manufacture more masks and deliver this life saving equipment to the hospitals that are in need?

Industries are converting their production lines to produce PPE’s and ventilators. Ford and GM are rising to the call. What can you do to help with this effort? Well get out your sewing machine, obtain material, and start producing masks. Once you’ve created your inventory, you need to distribute these life saving masks to the hospitals in need. Put each mask in a plastic sandwich bag. Use a plastic shopping bag to combine the individual packages. Then head to your local hospital and make the delivery. This is the most effective way to get the masks directly to the facilities that are in desperate need.

So get that material, cut it to the pattern, thread those needles and bobbins, press that accelerator, and crank out those masks!

Stay Happy and Healthy!

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