Persuading Seniors to Isolate at Home

24 March, 2020

Many of us have elderly parents, relatives, or neighbors that are tying to navigate the Stay at Home orders/recommendations. Some of these folks seem to have a cavalier attitude towards venturing out to buy supplies or leaving their home to avoid “cabin fever”. I have heard that changes in daily routines required by the COVID-19 virus are extremely hard to make for our seniors. The adage, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, seems to apply in today’s world. How are we going to convince our seniors to“Stay at Home, Save Lives”?

Start by acknowledging their capabilities. The elderly often reminisce about the Glory Days of their youth, recalling their strength, resiliency, and grit. They could have the attitude in the present day that they are invincible, are tough, have made it through the bad times, have strong blood, or the virus won’t affect me. (doesn’t this sound like the attitudes of our young adults and teenagers?) Acknowledge these traits and celebrate the past. Then you will need to perform the hard task of explaining that over time, we lose that strength and some abilities, our immune system becomes exceedingly weaker as we age. Explain that the medical experts have identified them as a high risk category. This in no way diminishes their self worth. Tell them that if they are exposed to the virus, they will likely experience a greater chance of death. Maybe a scare tactic is needed. Let them know that if they are stricken by this virus and need to be hospitalized, that you will not be able to visit them based on the new social distancing guidelines implemented at hospitals. Additionally, let them know that they may die alone, with no family at their side. Rough but necessary.

Now that you have convinced them to stay at home, they will need a new support system. This is where you come in. Appoint yourself as the personal shopper to assist in obtaining the necessary daily supplies to live their lives. Establish a routine for the shopping. Have them make shopping lists that they need to update when they think of a need. Establish the frequency for your shopping excursions; pick the days of the week that you will shop for them. Let them know that you are there for them and that you take on this responsibility with open arms. You need to convince them that you are not going to be overwhelmed or stressed to help them.

Adopt a Senior Citizen. Do you have neighbors that are elderly that might need assistance? Reach out to them and let them know that you are there to help them. Convince them that you are happy to assist them. Remind them that they have offered their help many times to others throughout their life-time; your help is “paying it forward”. Let them know that you are being socially responsible and embracing a sense of community and giving back.

Technology can eliminate the stress caused by isolation. Many Seniors are used to a daily routine which encourages social interaction. They have their own gang of “cronies” that provide enjoyment by their interactions. Taking this away could cause depression. How do you combat this? Social media, Facetime, and Skype are great ways to stay in contact. Encourage them to purchase equipment similar to Alexa video products that are easy to use. Hopefully, this turns out to be an easy trick for our Seniors to learn. Assist in the ordering process and upon delivery, set them up to use the device. Then stay in virtual contact with the Seniors on a daily basis just to chat.

We need to recognize the stress on our seniors and step up to the plate and assist. You can make a difference in a seniors life. You may even be saving a life! Plus, the good feeling of helping someone may help you get through these stressful times.

Stay Happy and Healthy!

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