It’s About Changing Your Behavior

23 March, 2020

Life has changed dramatically in the last month. I’m sure it has created a lot of stress for you. How we react to the new environment will require a change in our behavior. They say it takes three weeks to develop a habit. Well, you don’t have three weeks. You need to make the behavior modification right NOW!!

How can we adjust to the new realities of life?

First, we need to live In the Now. Don’t look into the future worrying about what could happen. Stay present and address the demands of your new reality. With all of the worries we have to manage, focus on one thing at a time. Immerse yourself in that task, see it to completion, and happily check it off your “list”

Develop a mindset of compassion and benevolence. If you are fortunate enough to still have income flowing to your pockets, spread the wealth. Make contributions to local food banks and the Red Cross. Have compassion for those around you. Realize that they are undergoing the same level of stress and drastic change that you are. Be courteous when shopping. Ask your neighbors, especially the elderly, if they have any needs and try to help them as best you can.

Embrace Selflessness. We will all need to make sacrifices in our daily lives. We need to change our mindset into one of community focus. How can we help others around us? Put on hold the luxuries that you enjoy. Re-direct your budget eliminating nice to haves to essential expenses and then increase your charitable contributions with the savings. Make those contributions with a focus on local level giving. Tip delivery drivers and restaurants with greater generosity. Hopefully, that money will flow to the servers that have lost their source of income. Donate your time to benevolent institutions if you can do so safely while maintaining social distancing protocols. Give money to the homeless that you may have typically passed by in your daily lives.

Don’t forget to Smell the Roses. We need to find some simple pleasures in life. Slow down for a minute and appreciate the things that re-charge your soul in the environment that you are in. If you are out walking or shopping, take a minute to say hello to the folks you encounter. Enjoy the carefree attitude that the children around you exhibit and breathe in that feeling of joy.

What, Me Panic? I know we have a tendency to panic in times of stress and change. The best thing you can do is to stay informed; information is king. This will help you sort out in your mind what is a real concern versus an unnecessary worry.

Embrace Social Distancing. It is imperative that we adopt social distancing protocols. This is our main defense against the spread of COVID-19. Again embrace selflessness and put the greater good above your own desires. Observe the six feet rule. Limit gatherings to less than 10 people. Stay inside unless you need essential supplies. If you are escaping cabin fever by exercising outdoors, always keep social distancing in mind. If your community is on stay at home orders, respect the order and the folks around you and stay in; putting your needs on hold for the greater good.

In these times of change, we must change quickly. Adopt an attitude that the change in behavior that you are making will ultimately lead to a better mental state of mind and arm us with the tools that we need to survive this drastic change in life.

Stay Happy and Healthy!

2 thoughts on “It’s About Changing Your Behavior”

  1. Allana Williams

    I w found alternative ways to stay connected. As a single extrovert who lives alone and is immune suppressed, this has been a crushing blow to my psyche. I’ve started to FaceTime more. Even with friends for virtual happy hours! While working, I video chat in every Zoom meeting I’m in, even if I’m the only one! I post daily videos on my social media… selfishly, I think they are more of a way of therapy for myself, but others seem to enjoy. And I’m finding the silver lining in every storm cloud that passes over. I know we will get through this. It’s just going to take time.

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