It’s a Matter of Distribution

22 March, 2020

Supply and Demand, production capability, logistical analysis, and distribution. These are all hot topics these days as folks hoard supplies beyond their need, leaving many without essential day-to-day supplies. Additionally, the shortage of medical supplies and hospital beds is alarming given the geometric growth of CoOVID-19 cases in the United States. What can be done?

It’s going to take a coordinated effort between National and local governments, large corporations and any size manufacturer of goods, retail stores (brick and mortar and e-business), shipping/transportation and logistical entities, businesses with the capability of delivery services, (such as taxis, Uber/Lyft, Amazon, UPS, USPS), transportation hubs and warehouses, technology companies, scholars and consultants, and YOU. Yes, you will have a part in solving this distribution puzzle.

We need to put goods and services in the hands of those that need it the most, and right away! Prioritization needs to be assigned to our First Responders, front-line staff at hospitals and medical facilities, the elderly, (that should be self-isolating and not leaving their homes), the under or unemployed, and hot-spots of COVID-19.

How are we going to tackle this problem? It’s a Matter of Distribution. To solve this issue, we need a technical solution from companies such as Google and Apple for the development of Supply and Demand analysis software, inventory management, and shared real-time information databases. Apple an Android apps can be developed along with communication companies to assist with the deployment of the technical solutions generated from the aforementioned collaborations. The distribution companies, (for instance DHL, UPS, Amazon, FedEx), can contribute their knowledge, experience, and system capabilities, as they are the back-bone of our distribution network. Ride share companies and taxis can be converted into a delivery fleet when the product reaches a local destination. This will create a need for additional drivers, which could help with the unemployment issue.

Demand data must be input at the root level by local and national governments, medical facilities, retailers, and service providers. The systems developed from the collaboration between the technology and distribution companies will be integral to this part of the puzzle. Categorization of the different needs must be considered based on priority, the type of goods needed, and where they are needed. All of this will take the experience and know-how of our scholars, consultants, and talent from large corporations that deal with these issues on a daily basis. All the work in this area needs to be focused on “how do we get the goods to those that need it the most”.

The Supply side needs to be an integrated model where businesses focus on communal needs. The integrated information and technology solutions developed by the aforementioned collaborations will assist with this. Product demand information must be readily available. Based upon demand, production capabilities will need to be assessed. Production line transformation towards a different product line, shift work, O-T-J training to re-skill workers, and safety of employees will be big issues to consider. The supply side businesses must also not increase prices based upon increased demand; prices need to remain constant, or lowered given the economic impact of unemployment on our family, friends and neighbors.

To coordinate all of this, we will need to have a unified message to all Americans regarding the way need will be assessed and prioritized, and supplies will be distributed. This will take the coordination of the National and Local governments. Something that has been lacking to date. I’ll leave this matter to the politicians. All I can say is , “DO IT NOW!!!”

Your part in this puzzle is to help take care of those in need. Develop an attitude of communication, cooperation and consideration for your neighbors and community and especially assist the elderly. See what you can do locally. Reach out to people and determine their need. Shop for products they may need and act as an individual delivery service observing social distancing protocols. Most of all, be compassionate towards one another and make personal sacrifices so others that are really in need of a product can get it. Do you really have the immediate demand for it? Do you already have a sufficient supply? Take the advice of your kindergarten teacher and play nice and share.

I’m not so sure of my source of inspiration for this topic…maybe it was the late night pizza with pepperoni and anchovies… hey, that was all that was available on the shelf.

Stay Happy and Healthy

P.S. Still working on how to allow comments to be posted by all of you “bots” out there! LOL

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