Social Rights, Social Responsibility, and Social Distancing

I believe in Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. We have established a government for the people, by the people, the result of which are our elected officials. Now, I’m not saying that we always make the right choices in our election process, but the elected official was decided by the voice of the people.

Our elected officials create laws to govern the functioning of our society. We may not like these laws; but, we have the ability to oppose these laws, via our first amendment rights of freedom of speech and the right to assemble. However, once these laws are enacted, we must obey them or suffer the consequences that are determined by the rule of law and our judicial system.

Now we are opening up the country and trying to stimulate the economy and put money back into our pockets. I get it. I support it. This is for the good of society. But we have to restart the economy in a smart way, so as not to create a resurgence of COVID19, which is projected to cause an unimaginable number of deaths, and most likely lead to an economic crash of epic proportions. To avoid a resurgence, Federal and State Governments have adopted plans with rules for returning to work and establishing the new normal.

Most of these plans entail social distancing and the wearing of masks when in public places. Now masks are inconvenient, and some people oppose these rules based on their freedom of choice. While I agree with freedom of choice, I also believe in an individual citizen’s civic responsibility to act in a manner that supports the common good for man and woman kind.

If you don’t wear a mask in public. You are infringing on the rights of others in their pursuit of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. You are potentially endangering the lives of those around you. The consequences of your action could result in the death of others.

So when you are faced with the choice of whether to wear a mask or not, whether to put your own immediate needs ahead of others and impinge on their rights, do the right thing. Wear a damn mask! Let’s all help protect the lives and livelihoods of our neighbors and create a sustainable recovery to our economy.

Stay Happy and Healthy!

2 thoughts on “Social Rights, Social Responsibility, and Social Distancing”

  1. Spot on! I’ve been driving to work and having to go to the supermarket and home improvement stores throughout this pandemic. This past week I’m noticing more and more people are out and about. Most are wearing masks, but a large percentage are not and it’s unnerving. I feel that if it’s mandated to wear a mask in public spaces then we all need to wear masks. It’s an inconvenience for sure and I suffer from asthma, but I’m wearing a mask every time I am in public or near another person, so can everyone else.

  2. Great read. Where I am at it is mixed. Some wearing masks and some not. I am wearing a mask and only hope this passes and we get used to the new norm.

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